Email Marketing

Increase Sales & Drive Retention
Through Email Campaigns

Full-Service Email Marketing Agency

Energize Your Email Marketing Strategy

If your brand isn’t investing in sophisticated email marketing, you’re missing out on a potential 18-1 return on your investment. A robust email marketing strategy provides opportunities to increase the value of each of your customers, introduce new products, promote brand awareness, and greatly improve your client retention. And, automations can help convert abandoned eCommerce carts into sales, grow your social media following, collect online reviews, and more.

Engage Your Audience, Sell Your brand

Email Newsletter Campaigns

A monthly to weekly email newsletter is the best way to re-engage your existing customers and clientele. Connecting your email platform to your website allows you to get accurate conversion data in real-time on each campaign. Newsletters can introduce your audience to new products and services, drive sales across your entire catalog, promote company events and milestones, upsell to targeted audience segments, and share new content. The more engaging your emails – the better the results. Let’s transform your email newsletters into a foundational pillar of your business.

Go With The Flow

Email Automations

Automated email flows have the potential to scale your email marketing even further. Create customized email flows triggered by important events – adding an item to cart, landing on a specific page, signing up for your email newsletter. Once the customer enters the flow, an automated series of emails will be sent based on customizable conditions and time delays. The results can be game changing.

Four Types of Flows

Flow #1

Welcome Series

A Welcome Series is an automated set of emails that send out after a new customer has signed up for your newsletter. This is an excellent opportunity to introduce the customer to your company, your catalog, and services. It can also help you grow your social media following. And, it’s an easy way to capture repeated conversions from your best customers. The Welcome Series is a great place to start with email automation.

Flow #2

Abandoned Cart Flow

If you run an eCommerce business, it can drive you crazy looking at the amount of online carts that never make it through checkout. Across the industry, the average cart abandonment rate is almost 70%. An abandoned cart email flow can help bridge the gap. An audience member enters the abandoned cart flow when they’ve added an item to cart, but have not checked out. After a time delay of a few days, the customer receives their first email reminding them to checkout. With multiple emails and conditional splits, an abandoned cart flow is one of the most powerful automations in all of eCommerce.

Flow #3

Browse Abandonment

Browse Abandonment automations use data from tracking pixels to determine when members of your audience have landed on a product detail page (PDP). Based on conditions you set, the browse abandonment flow will send an email after an audience member has spent enough time on a PDP, and exited the site without adding the item to cart. This email automation gives the customer one more chance to look at that item, and push them towards a sale.

Flow #4

Review Automation

Reviews are extremely important both for consumer trust and website SEO. A high quantity of positive reviews gives your business credibility to users and search engines. But, most businesses will just wait for new reviews to come in rather than seek them out actively. This is a mistake. An automated review request email is a great way to improve your online review portfolio. The automation fires after an order or service is fulfilled, and after a customizable time delay, an email is sent requesting a review. It’s that simple!

Choose Your Platform & Segment Smartly

Email Marketing Platforms

When choosing an email marketing platform for your business, it’s crucial to understand the range of options available and how they can enhance your marketing strategy. From user-friendly tools like Mailchimp and Constant Contact to more advanced solutions like HubSpot and Klaviyo, each platform offers unique features to suit different needs. A key benefit of these platforms is their ability to segment your audience based on various criteria, such as behavior, demographics, or purchase history. Audience segmentation allows you to craft highly personalized and relevant messages, leading to higher engagement rates and more effective campaigns. By targeting specific groups with tailored content, you can ensure that your emails resonate with recipients, ultimately driving better results and fostering stronger customer relationships.

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